Sunday, December 14, 2014

Monster Drawing Rally!

Midway Contemporary Art Gallery  had their Seventh Monster Drawing Rally last night and it was a blast.  The MDR is a live art making event that allows visitors to watch the artists create and purchase anything for $ incredible deal considering some of MN's top tier artists. I was lucky enough to be one of the over 80 artists participating.

This year I did Van Dyke prints with internet sources digital negatives that I then cut up and collaged.  They are crude references to early forms of photo-manipulations and spirit photography.

(These aren't the actual ones from the evening, just some extras I did the following the day with the same negatives.)

Here are some of them hanging ready to be bought! 

At their Sixth Monster Drawing Rally I did a similar process of cutting found negatives using the Cyanotype method, but using mostly Post Mortem portraits.  Here are what they looked like pre-processed.

Big thanks to Midway! 

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